Handy moving home checklist – Moving
Moving Out
Your Housing Officer will go through all the checks on your home with you at your move out appointment.
Moving Out
Contact your utility suppliers
Let your utility suppliers know that you’re moving out – electricity, gas, phone and broadband suppliers will all need to know when you’re leaving. Take a final meter reading on move out day and pass them on to the right suppliers. Taking a picture of the meter might help, as the photo will have a timestamp, proving exactly what the meter reading was when the photo was taken.

Check windows
Make sure all windows are locked and secured.

Prepare your keys for handover
Label all keys and remove all old house keys from your keyring

Do one last check of your home
After everything has been packed go through all the drawers and cupboards in every room and check the garage and shed if you have one.

Moving day essentials
Handy packing list
On the day you move you might want to keep the following items with you:
- Important documents such as passports, marriage certificate and birth certificates
- Bank cards and any paperwork containing your bank information
- Medication
- Phones, computers and chargers
- Toilet paper / bin bags
- Tea / coffee and milk for your new home
- A change of clothes
- Snacks and water (including anything your pets might need)
- Your child’s special toy or blanket if they have one
- Jewellery
- Any other valuables, heirlooms or irreplaceable items
- Ensure the property is clean

Moving In
Welcome to your new home
If moving to Service Family Accommodation you will meet your Housing Officer at your move in appointment and they will help you settle in, showing you where everything is and how it works.
As soon as possible you should:
- Take a note of all meter readings, and a photograph if possible. Find out who the supplier is and let them know you have moved in.
- Make a note of emergency contact numbers, such as doctors, hospitals, vets etc.